早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.I hurry dress up and go for a walk near by.
2.How to start to write essay or paragraphs for 2 months for develop my
poor English.
3.Two people like them live together without love is a very pity thing.
4.One of the most important Chinese festivals are the Chinese New Year.
5.Company need advertisements in order not to be left behind their
6.This two example is very good to prove the advantage of a divorce.
7.To overcome our bad habits,need a lot of time.
8.To be a good doctor should treat your patients politely.
9.To drive a car must have a driver's licence.
10.That everybody comes to school must study hard.
11.From this message,it seems that try to tell us they already divorced.
12.I found that the length of a sentence between writing and speaking.
13.I think when we want to get marry with another one.
14.The most special is the " Red Pocket," which is the " Lucky Money"
is married people give the children.
15.If any informations you missed to tell you can make your complement
by say your additional information.
16.I hope the number of single mothers do not increase in the future.
17.That I have obtained full marks in all the subjects make me excited.
18.That everybody work hard for their diploma.
19.I translate from Korea.So I confused by two languages.
20.I tried hard,but I couldn't much better than before.
21.Man never think only the fun is girl,and women also same like that.
22.Nowadays the transit system become popular; it give convenience to
the people and it also provide tourists with the pleasure of travelling.
1.I hurry to dress up and go for a walk near by.
2.How to start writing an essaies or paragraphs in 2 months to develop my
poor English.
3.people like to live together because without love ,it is very pathetic.
4.One of the most important Chinese festivals is the Chinese New Year.
5.Company need advertisements in order not to be left behind their
6.These two examples are very good to prove the advantage of a divorce.
7.To overcome our bad habits, we need a lot of time.
8.To be a good doctor ,you should treat your patients politely.
9.To drive a car ,you must have a driver's licence.
10. everybody comes to school must study hard.
11.From this message, it seems that they are trying to tell us they have already divorced.
12.I found that the length of a sentence between writing and speaking.
13.I think when we want to get married with the other one.
14.The most special thing is the " Red Pocket, " which is the " Lucky Money"
that the married people give the children.
15.If i miss some information to tell ,you can make your complement
by saying your additional information.
16.I hope that the number of single mothers does not increase in the future.
17.That I have obtained full marks in all the subjects makes me excited.
18.That everybody works hard for their diplomas.
19.I translate from Korea. So I confused by two languages.
20.I tried hard, but I couldn't do much better than before.
21.Man never think not only the fun is the girl, but women are also the same as .
22.Nowadays the transit system becomes popular; it gives convenience to
the people and it also provide tourists with the pleasure of travelling.
恩 以上是我自己的意见,希望能帮到吧 o(∩_∩)o...
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