早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1、I was caught in the rain yesterday.
2、In some markets there may be only one seller.Such a situation is called a monpooly.
3、This morning we were warned of heavy rain in some suburban areas.
4、In some cases people have been killed or made sick by industrial wastes.
5、The newly-installed control computer will soon be put to use.
6、At the moment my car is being made ready for a long journey.
7、New systems of television have been made possible by the discovery of the laser.
1、I was caught in the rain yesterday.
2、In some markets there may be only one seller.Such a situation is called a monpooly.
3、This morning we were warned of heavy rain in some suburban areas.
4、In some cases people have been killed or made sick by industrial wastes.
5、The newly-installed control computer will soon be put to use.
6、At the moment my car is being made ready for a long journey.
7、New systems of television have been made possible by the discovery of the laser.
1、in the rain
2、a monpooly.
3、of heavy rain
5、to use.
6、ready for a long journey.
2、a monpooly.
3、of heavy rain
5、to use.
6、ready for a long journey.
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