早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
set of by the April 1 Sino-us plane collision中的set of
8 BEING –set of by the April 1 Sino-us plane collision(相撞) and US official agreement of the biggest arms sale to Taiwan in decade (ten years) as well as remarks by US president Bush on Defending Taiwan,there have been increasing hacker attacks on websites of the two countries in the past weeks.
An American group of hackers (黑客) which calls itself Poison Box had begun ruining Chinese websites after the April1 spy plane incident,top Chinese portal sina.com said.
The Chinese soon attacked back.
On April 2,Chinese hackers invaded two Government websites over the weekend,forcing the Department of labor and the Department of the Health and Human Services to shut down their sites for a short time.
The US Department of labor went off line for a few hours after a page in its website was changed to display a picture of Wang Wei,the Chinese pilot who died in the collision.
The page was titled “China back!” and read,in English,“the whole country is so sorry for losing the best son of China ---Wang Wei forever.We will miss the end of the day.”
On May1,hackers exchanged bad remarks (脏话) in which the official White House website was defaced (毁容) by a huge amount of e-mail garbage.On May5,the White House website fell victim (受害者) to a denial (拒绝) of serviced attack that blocked access (通道) to the site for more than two hours.
The Computer Network and Information Security Management Office told web operators an average of 100 sites a day had seen “some more form of attack.”
set of by the April 1 Sino-us plane collision中的set of
8 BEING –set of by the April 1 Sino-us plane collision(相撞) and US official agreement of the biggest arms sale to Taiwan in decade (ten years) as well as remarks by US president Bush on Defending Taiwan,there have been increasing hacker attacks on websites of the two countries in the past weeks.
An American group of hackers (黑客) which calls itself Poison Box had begun ruining Chinese websites after the April1 spy plane incident,top Chinese portal sina.com said.
The Chinese soon attacked back.
On April 2,Chinese hackers invaded two Government websites over the weekend,forcing the Department of labor and the Department of the Health and Human Services to shut down their sites for a short time.
The US Department of labor went off line for a few hours after a page in its website was changed to display a picture of Wang Wei,the Chinese pilot who died in the collision.
The page was titled “China back!” and read,in English,“the whole country is so sorry for losing the best son of China ---Wang Wei forever.We will miss the end of the day.”
On May1,hackers exchanged bad remarks (脏话) in which the official White House website was defaced (毁容) by a huge amount of e-mail garbage.On May5,the White House website fell victim (受害者) to a denial (拒绝) of serviced attack that blocked access (通道) to the site for more than two hours.
The Computer Network and Information Security Management Office told web operators an average of 100 sites a day had seen “some more form of attack.”
Set of by the April 1 Sino-us plane collision
Set of by 由某某事件引发
Set of by 由某某事件引发
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