早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
有几个拿不准的成语如the last straw__救命稻草(请在1月4日前回答,
child's play
not for all the tea in China
heart to heart talk
for the birds
once in a blue moon
pizza face
talk to the hand
a drop in the ocean
a lot of fish in the ocean
有几个拿不准的成语如the last straw__救命稻草(请在1月4日前回答,
child's play
not for all the tea in China
heart to heart talk
for the birds
once in a blue moon
pizza face
talk to the hand
a drop in the ocean
a lot of fish in the ocean
child's play 轻而易举之事
not for all the tea in China 无论如何
heart to heart talk 坦诚地谈话",或者是"促膝谈心
for the birds 无聊(很乏味)
once in a blue moon 千载难逢
talk to the hand 闭嘴
a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟
not for all the tea in China 无论如何
heart to heart talk 坦诚地谈话",或者是"促膝谈心
for the birds 无聊(很乏味)
once in a blue moon 千载难逢
talk to the hand 闭嘴
a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟
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