早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Everybody is good!
Have a lot of friends to learn English ate a lot, but not the door into. I think their English study and application of inadequate understanding maybe is the question. Hope everybody to talk this problem, help these friends, to advance together.
There are many methods to learn English, but I think, effort study is most important to you, listen carefully in class helps a lot of learning. If your learning difficulties, you can ask your teacher for help. Class, you should finish your homework independently, if you cannot solve the problem, you should search in the dictionary for the purpose of solving the problem. Of course, want to learn English well is good study grammar, I personally think learning grammar is very difficult, but later I bit of learned it. Now, my English learning has improved a lot, but I will try to persevere.
Have a lot of friends to learn English ate a lot, but not the door into. I think their English study and application of inadequate understanding maybe is the question. Hope everybody to talk this problem, help these friends, to advance together.
There are many methods to learn English, but I think, effort study is most important to you, listen carefully in class helps a lot of learning. If your learning difficulties, you can ask your teacher for help. Class, you should finish your homework independently, if you cannot solve the problem, you should search in the dictionary for the purpose of solving the problem. Of course, want to learn English well is good study grammar, I personally think learning grammar is very difficult, but later I bit of learned it. Now, my English learning has improved a lot, but I will try to persevere.
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