早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I have a dream
On the surface of this peaceful world, in fact, not peace. Ever since the currency, with the economy, the war will follow. Perhaps, precisely, should be the person's self-inflicted. From the history of mankind, all in all activities, always around two essential work undertaken, one to create wealth, and the other is the distribution of wealth, other activities are derived objects. Whether it is the creation of wealth, or distribution of wealth throughout human greed are the ultimate source of their energy. Greed in the "indolent", drives to save energy, reduce the time, reduce the intensity and increase the pleasure of a variety of technological progress, leading to productivity continued to increase, making more vigorous wealth creation. However, the insatiable greed will stimulate extortion, fraud, speculation, quick success, extravagant wastefulness, and thus suppress the progress of productivity, leading to abnormal distribution of property, reducing the economic vitality of the community. Dollar gold market perspective, the stock market analysis of the economic, learn from the debt capital markets and explore the repurchase by the financial market crisis peeking from the interest rate market, the housing market insight from foam, screened from the job market recovery, in the final analysis from the distribution of wealth from to interpret greed, interpret this silent invisible war. China can avoid future repetition of these historical lessons it? If you can, then there is no force that can stop China's national strength and prosperity to achieve its dream of revival.
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On the surface of this peaceful world, in fact, not peace. Ever since the currency, with the economy, the war will follow. Perhaps, precisely, should be the person's self-inflicted. From the history of mankind, all in all activities, always around two essential work undertaken, one to create wealth, and the other is the distribution of wealth, other activities are derived objects. Whether it is the creation of wealth, or distribution of wealth throughout human greed are the ultimate source of their energy. Greed in the "indolent", drives to save energy, reduce the time, reduce the intensity and increase the pleasure of a variety of technological progress, leading to productivity continued to increase, making more vigorous wealth creation. However, the insatiable greed will stimulate extortion, fraud, speculation, quick success, extravagant wastefulness, and thus suppress the progress of productivity, leading to abnormal distribution of property, reducing the economic vitality of the community. Dollar gold market perspective, the stock market analysis of the economic, learn from the debt capital markets and explore the repurchase by the financial market crisis peeking from the interest rate market, the housing market insight from foam, screened from the job market recovery, in the final analysis from the distribution of wealth from to interpret greed, interpret this silent invisible war. China can avoid future repetition of these historical lessons it? If you can, then there is no force that can stop China's national strength and prosperity to achieve its dream of revival.
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