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Question:nowadays,food has become easier to prepare.Has this change improved the way people live?Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Currently,there is a news towards that the preparation of food is significantly easier.Well.Different people have different viewpoints when considering this information.Those who object to the convenience improve people live argue that the change takes more disadvantages.But people who favor the advantages,on the other hand,argue that human’s life gain a remarkable improving since food easier to arrange.As far as I am concerned,although opposition gains substantial weakness of the change,it cannot compete with the positive of the change.
It is markedly that the change improves people’s life becoming healthy.We may mention a common example of increasing opportunities for people to obtain nutrition.As a matter of fact,a person will blind without eating vitamin-E.People take the nutrition though eating fish.That means there is a little chance for the people who live in water far away to take vitamin-E.However,with the developing of transportation,people can get many different fishes if they want.In addition,the safety of food improves human’s life standard and brings a new attitude regarding how to choose our food.
In past several years there has been a dramatic rise in methods that people prepare their food.It may bring out a considerable change in human’s life style.Obviously,when people didn’t have convenient ways to collect enough food,they have to consider a big question how we own abundant food.Therefore,they can hardly have time to think other thing except eating.They need food to survive.If we took food hardly,we would have no time to consider science,art,and so on.When Newton got the fallen apple,thinking about it,he may just eat the apple without any concerned why the apple falls.Why?Because the apple is hard to prepare and so hungry he is that he only want to eat.That’s really terrible.
It is true that the change of collection food impacts some negative aspect to people’s life,however,it doesn’t mean that this change is no any advantages for people live.The easier people prepare food,the more time people can use in different area.With a long term developing,human depend enough food to survive,what’s more,people change their method to collect food in order to live better.
When people enjoy the convenient that bring from the change,it isn’t necessary that they give some consideration to confirm the importance of the change.From what has been discussed above,we may safely draw the conclusion that the benefits of the revolution in preparing food are definitely improving people’s life.
不要总用强调句啊= =
另外是 in the past serveral years吧= =
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