早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Xian Xinghai in the short life,creative life about 10 years,a total of hundreds of songs for the first (the first of the existing 250),4 chorus,an opera,symphony 2,4 Orchestral Suite,Rhapsody,as well as a Violin,piano solo instrumental music,and so on,the first multi-ensemble music.Xian Xinghai in the creation,the largest number,the most influential people is a wide range of songs.Among them,the positive performance of the Chinese People's Anti-Japanese struggle,the use of the call,the march of the fighting form of "Song of the National Salvation," "March of the youth" to "defend the Marco Polo Bridge" and "go back to the enemy"; concrete display of people's war fighting magnificent picture ,And lyric or a call to action and the depict the combination of all-embracing "in the Taihang Mountains," "guerrilla army" and the "counterattack"; have shown the masses of workers and peasants working life,using a specific tone and rhythm of work written " Bite "," La Li Song,"" moving the song husband "and" the way we are open "; there for the War of Resistance Against Japan in the women's,children's book" is not afraid to resist,"" Children of the motherland "and" Women on March 8 Song of the Day "and so on.In these songs of the masses,according to Xian Xinghai,to create a different image of the personality characteristics of the music,or impact with the rhythm of tall and straight and high and full of angular melodies,passionate performance of the generous and powerful emotional momentum Haozhuang; or A broad breath of melody,rhythm and calmly to ease lyrical tone of the Han Yun,reflects the revolutionary people of the rich inner world.
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