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已解决 0 | jackyliu2050 | 解决时间:2007-12-13 08:40 | 检举
1.加:用and ,plus ,added to 等词表示.2 + 4 = 6 可译为:Two and four is six .Two plus four is equal to six .Two added to four equals six .Two and four makes six .Two plus four will be six .If you add two to four ,you get six .
2.减:用minus,taken from,subtracted from 等表示.8-3=可译为:Eight minus three is five .Eight minus three is equal to five .Three taken from eight leaves five .Three subtracted from eight leaves five .Take three from eight and the remainder is five .
3.乘:用multiply···by···/ multiplied by / time 等表示.3 × 5 = 15可译为:Multiply three by five is (gives)fifteen .Three multiplied by five is fifteen .Multiply three by five ,you get fifteen .Three times five is (makes,will be ,equals,is equal to ) fifteen .
4.除:用divide···by···/ divided by / divide···into··· / into 等表示.24 ÷ 8 = 3 可译为:Twenty-four divided by eight makes (is ,equals ) three .Twenty-four divided by eight is equal to three .Eight into twenty-four goes three times .Divide eight into twenty-four ,and you get three .Divide twenty-four by eight ,and you get three
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