早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
deal 的用法
1.用作名词主要用于 a good [great] deal (of):
(1) a great [good] deal of 之后通常接不可数名词:
He seems to have a good deal of money.他似乎有很多钱.
He has done a great deal of traveling.他旅游了很多地方.
have a great deal of friends 有很多朋友.
(2) a great [good] deal 可用作主语、宾语、状语 (修饰动词或形容词,尤其是比较级):
At the end of the year there was a great deal to do.年底有很多事要做.
I’ve heard a great deal about him.关于他的情况我听说了很多.
We see each other a great deal.我们经常见面.
I was a good deal surprised.我非常吃惊.
She’s a great deal better today.她今天好多了.
(1) 表示“分给”或“分配”,常与 out 连用:
The money was dealt out fairly.钱分配得公平合理.
I dealt out two apples to each child.=I dealt out each of the children two apples).我给每个小孩发了两个苹果.
(2) 用于 deal with,意为“处理”、“对付”、“对待”、 “论述”、“做买卖”等:
How shall we deal with this matter?这事我们怎么处理?
I don’t know how to deal with him.我不知怎样与他相处.
This book deals with educational problems.这本书论述教育问题.
We often deal with that shop.我们经常在那家商店买东西.
(3) 用于 deal in,意为“做…买卖”、“出售”、“经营”:
The shop deals in clothes.这家商店经营服装.
1.用作名词主要用于 a good [great] deal (of):
(1) a great [good] deal of 之后通常接不可数名词:
He seems to have a good deal of money.他似乎有很多钱.
He has done a great deal of traveling.他旅游了很多地方.
have a great deal of friends 有很多朋友.
(2) a great [good] deal 可用作主语、宾语、状语 (修饰动词或形容词,尤其是比较级):
At the end of the year there was a great deal to do.年底有很多事要做.
I’ve heard a great deal about him.关于他的情况我听说了很多.
We see each other a great deal.我们经常见面.
I was a good deal surprised.我非常吃惊.
She’s a great deal better today.她今天好多了.
(1) 表示“分给”或“分配”,常与 out 连用:
The money was dealt out fairly.钱分配得公平合理.
I dealt out two apples to each child.=I dealt out each of the children two apples).我给每个小孩发了两个苹果.
(2) 用于 deal with,意为“处理”、“对付”、“对待”、 “论述”、“做买卖”等:
How shall we deal with this matter?这事我们怎么处理?
I don’t know how to deal with him.我不知怎样与他相处.
This book deals with educational problems.这本书论述教育问题.
We often deal with that shop.我们经常在那家商店买东西.
(3) 用于 deal in,意为“做…买卖”、“出售”、“经营”:
The shop deals in clothes.这家商店经营服装.
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