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ASSISTANT:Do you like this dress,madam?
LADY:I like the colour very much.
It's a lovely dress.but it's too small for me.
ASSISTANT:What about this one?
It's a lovely dress.
It's very smart.
Short skirts are in fashion now.
Would you like to try it?
LADY:All right.
LADY:I'm afraid this green dress is too small for me as well.
It's smaller than the blue one.
LADY:I don't like the colour either.
It doesn't suit me at all.
I think the blue dress is prettier.
LADY:Could you show me another blue dress?
I want a dress like that one,but it must be my size.
ASSISTANT:I'm afraid I haven't got a larger dress.
This is the largest dress in the shop.
An assistant showed a lady a dress ,and the lady liked its color .But the blue too small for her.So the assistant have to change another lovely and smart one .After the lady tried the green one,she found it even smaller than the former .And for the color,it didn't suit her at all.At last,she asked the assistant to show her another blue dress with suitable size for her.However,that was the largest dress in the shop.
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