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新概念英语第二册 第四单元检测题答案
He missed the train because he did not hurry.
Although he ran fast ,he failed to win the race.
I was so tired that I went to sleep immediately .
My neighbour , who went to Tokyo for a holiday could not return home because he did not have enough money.
Finding the door unlock I went into the kitchen.
I bought a picture which was very valuable.
He walked quietly down corrridor so that he did not want anyone to hear him.
They cleared the ground to build a house.
One day a workman was digging in a field.Suddenly he strck a 6,ooo volt electricity cable with his spade.The spade was thrown twenty feet far.Luckily,he was unhurt.But the whole town was in darkness and no one knew what had happened.
would prefer don't understand doesn't matter does mean don't know
is bringing
got decided began wrote included paid rang wasn't surprised
led hid was embarrassed
looked arrived have been waiting said answered were went
said got weren't came said waited didn't come
what have you (been doing ) asked I just (been) to... answered
came was used used to hide The pirates would often (bury)
fail went was examining showed was dug found
will set/is setting will send receive receive will try
locate will fire will carry will pour will be sent
will soon be sending will be taking will grab will soon be sending
will tell will have sent
has discovered appeared had taken died happened claimed had die
had been searching was found/ had been found
was taking had been asked having been instructed
must have been pleased stop could be heard were thrown
He told you to keep quiet.
He suggested send him a telegram.
He insisted that I should ask him about it .
He told me not to worry about it .
I wonder whether he can wait a few minutes longer.
I wonder whether he will arrive
I wonder whether he has passed his examination.
I wonder whether where he is .
listened wrote would have
meeting running pretending meeting coming preventing
following meeting doing coming speaking
should/ought to
had to do
ought to have come / should have come
should have asked / ought to have asked
He is having a new house built.
She will have a new dress made.
I had my hair cut yesterday.
We must have this tree cut down.
I didn't manage to get into town this morning .
They didn't manage to find the boy who had run away.
He didn't manage to find a new job.
I didn't manage to translate the message into English.
/ the / the
the /
/ the some /
a / /
/ the
the /
the a / the
the the the
the the
of deal most most oldest many many more few than lot of deal
from less
in at into in
at out of
to in with in in
loose rise laid hard won quiet used to dropped to pick
grown invented let part reason amused checking advise
He told me a secret yesterday.
You shoule kneel down and say your prays .
Don't tell a lie.
She said nothing about it .
His mother tells a story every night.
They said so.
Our school dinning room is very large.
He told me a ghost story .
She gave me a birthday present.
We stopped at a village pub.
The party leader made a speech.
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