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The Youth Olympic Games (YOG) is a new event. Like the Olympic Games, YOG takes place every 4 years. Only players aged between 14 and 18 can take part in it. The f irst Youth Olympic Games was h   小题1:  in Singapore last year. On February 11 th , 2011,Nanjing, the
c    小题2:    city of Jiangsu Province, got the right to host the 2014 Youth Olympic Games and will become the s    小题3:     Chinese city to welcome the Olympic flame after the Beijing Olympic Games in 2008. The Games will take place in August, 2014, and l    小题4:    12 days. There will be up to 3,600 athletes competing in 26 sports.
The theme of YOG is ‘Green Youth Olympic Games, Dynamic Youth Olympic Games, and Cultural Youth Olympic Games.’ Green Youth Olympic Games calls on us to p   小题5:   the environment so that we can breathe fresh a    小题6:    and show visitors beautiful scenery and give people from other countries a good impression.
The government has done a lot for the Youth Games, and we are s   小题7:  that YOG will speed up the developing process of Nanjing. Workers are busy b   小题8:    new roads and new subway lines for the Youth Games. A new Olympic Village and a Youth Olympic Centre are being built in Jianye District, which will be part of the International Youth Olympic City.
People in Nanjing are p    小题9:    of the big event, and their living habits are improving now. They are growing trees to make Nanjing g 小题10:    and more beautiful. They are very excited and looking forward to YOG. They hope the Youth Games will be a big success.

小题1: last   
小题1: air      
小题1: building 

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