早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



     Mr.Reece was a farmer (农民).He and his wife (妻子) grew a lot of things.They worked very hard.
One day,Mr.Reece said to his wife,"let's go to the city next Sunday.We can have a good lunch there,
and then we'll go to the cinema."
      His wife was very happy when she heard this,because she and her husband (丈夫) always ate a lot.
She didn't like cooking three times a day.
     They went to the city by train the next Sunday.They walked about for an hour.When it was twelve
o'clock,they wanted to have a meal.They looked at some restaurants.Out of one of them was a notice
(布告),"Lunch12:30 to 2:30,1.5 dollars."
     "Well,that's good," said Mr.Reece,"we can eat for two hours for 1.5 dollars here.That's too cheap.
This is the place for us."
1.Mr.Reece usually worked in _____. [     ]
A.the fields
B.the city
C.the restaurant
D.the theatre
2.Mr.Reece and his wife went to the city _____. [     ]
A.to have a good lunch
B.to see a film
C.to do some shopping
D.A and B,maybe C,too
3.When did Mr.And Mrs.Reece arrive in the city? [     ]
A.At about 11:00
B.At about 12:00
C.At about 12:30
D.At about 2:30
4.We can see that Mr.Reece _____. [     ]
A.was poor
B.was rich (富的)
C.understood the notice
D.didn't understand the notice
5.Why did Mr.Reece say that restaurant was the place for them?
   Because _____.
[     ]

A.that was the best restaurant
B.12:30 to 2:30 was the best time for lunch.
C.he thought they could eat a lot and it was cheap.
D.they were very tired and hungry.
1-5  A D A D C
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