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The First time I watched this my whole family was really sick so it was a pretty good pick-me-up especially for a little kid.We enjoyed watched it I think mostly because we don't rent movies very much.I didn't think Garfiled was that bad for animation,in fact even my brother who is usually commenting through-out the whole film on how bad and good this was or wasn't compared to such and such,thought Garfiled was pretty close to Garfield in the comic strip.I love this movie because it doesn't require you to think.It's very straight forward.I thought "Odie" was such a darling.He was very cute in this part.I'm really glad they didn't use computer animation for him,because though I like the comic strip,the comic strip Odie would'nt have really fit in because he's so weird looking in the strip.I adored Jennifer Love-Hewitt in the film.I think she was really cute.Her romance with Jon was really cute and well acted.But I think I'd have enjoyed this more last night if I'd have my friends over to comment and laugh with.
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