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  For a long time no diary, and I do not like talking, only the memories hidden in the memory of the haze, it brought out the soul of the world, changing ourselves, to change the life, I think I can insist, in order to dream I will be the temptation to abandon all of the .
  Rain, finally over, lying on the sunny day, I liked to watch the sun Graceful, giving hope of survival. Pure, cool, in the depths of your many hidden secrets, perhaps I really do not know you, but I believe you, you will eventually break through the darkness of dawn.
  Night, I could not sleep a long time, looking on hazy, birds hazy, Blood Will Tell. After the breeze aroma of flowers, as if the songs of young girls like pure, diffuse the night sky, I am waiting for your arrival.
  Tired, really tired, sore eyes shut memory pink rocking forward to your smiles, your laughter sweet, sweet, like fog, like the wind, was like the rain.
  Your mind is so vigorous warm powerful and hug me tightly in your warm arms, so I feel very comfort, let me in the window expecting you, expecting you ... ...
  Lying on the sunny days, comfortable enjoyment of life, like the dawn of the deep, yet timid see through your eyes.
  So, I like bright, tepid; was not rash, do you like a good sniper, like your cold and deep, love your courage and persistence, thinking is a kind of beauty.
  Lying on the sunny days, I would quietly appreciate your sadness, so that the warmth of your touch my wounds, slowly erase the parting of the shadows, so that the golden sunlight spilled holding the Xinliang.
  Lying on the sunny days, I will silently gazing your despair, let your heat erase memories of the landscape, so that the bright red flames lit the bride's embrace.
  Lying on the sunny days, I will gently touch your miserable, let your light bring helpless confusion, so that a single spark kiss has long ago lost the freedom to fly.
  Lying on the sunny day, brew a pot of jasmine tea on, you will feel life, Qin Xiang, and this is life, have insisted, with all kinds of hardships, you can smile lying in the sun days of life ... ...
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