早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
假设你校将为学生开设以下课程:野外拓展 (Outward bound training);口才训练 (Eloquence training);礼仪培训 (Etiquette training);职业培训 (Vocational training).请根据你的自身特点和需求选择其中的一个课程,并简要谈谈你选择这个课程的理由.
I have learned that our school will open new courses to satisfy our needs,including Outward Bound Training,Eloquence Training,Etiquette Training and Vocational Training(高分句型一).As for me,I will choose Vocational Training.
I am a senior three student now.I will soon step out of the middle school into the society to make a living by myself.After my graduation,I want to be an interpreter,so I need more skills to earn my living.The skills include communicating with people,the techniques used in writing,the ability to grasp the meaning of non-verbal behavior and of course,the most important ability,the command of at least two different languages(高分句型二).Because of that,I want to attend the course to arm myself with more practical skills.
That's what I want.What about your choice?
I am a senior three student now.I will soon step out of the middle school into the society to make a living by myself.After my graduation,I want to be an interpreter,so I need more skills to earn my living.The skills include communicating with people,the techniques used in writing,the ability to grasp the meaning of non-verbal behavior and of course,the most important ability,the command of at least two different languages(高分句型二).Because of that,I want to attend the course to arm myself with more practical skills.
That's what I want.What about your choice?
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