早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
50 First dates is a great romantic comedy because its both a light-hearted funny romance and a serious story about love.Serious movies often seem overwhelming,or too much to deal with when we need some R& R.Yet light goofy movies can seem like a waste of time.This movie was both entertaining and fulfilling,the best of both worlds.
For anyone with a disability or flaw that makes dating life hard (and who doesn't have one of those?) this movie is an uplifting tale of how people can come together and learn to cope.But don't think about the serious stuff too much!You'll ruin all the slapstick comedy that trademarks an Adam Sandler film.
For anyone with a disability or flaw that makes dating life hard (and who doesn't have one of those?) this movie is an uplifting tale of how people can come together and learn to cope.But don't think about the serious stuff too much!You'll ruin all the slapstick comedy that trademarks an Adam Sandler film.
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