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用英语写作文 说明全班同学视力下降的原因如看电视玩电脑 100词左

Now,my classmates' eyes are worse and worse.Why cause it?Because the computers and TVs.
Nowadays,computers and TVs are more and more popular.Everyone has their own computers and TVs.So students are used to playing computer games and watching TV .They play computer games and watch TV ,if they are free.They don't go out to play or to relax.They fall into the computers!How bad!It is bad for their eyes.What's worse , they will get blind.What's more ,reading in the sun is bad for eyes ,too.
So let's go out and play with pets and plants.Don't spend too much time playing computer games and watching TV.Don'g read books in the sun.Let's make our eyes healthier and healthier,brighter and brighter!
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