早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Dong Cunrui joined a local anti-Japanese Self-Defense Forces, participated in the Eighth Route Army in July the same year. Early April 1946, in the northern city of monolithic police encounters in the mouth, and he won wit the enemy machine gun to be a great merit was awarded bravery medals army.
Chang Ling sniper early 1947's war sacrifice his squad leader, deputy team leader the case of serious injury, to come forward himself as monitor the timely completion of the sniper task, but also hit the big time. To sacrifice, he hit the big time a total 3 times 4 times minor merits, won 3 gold medals and a courage medal of Mao Zedong.
Chang Ling sniper early 1947's war sacrifice his squad leader, deputy team leader the case of serious injury, to come forward himself as monitor the timely completion of the sniper task, but also hit the big time. To sacrifice, he hit the big time a total 3 times 4 times minor merits, won 3 gold medals and a courage medal of Mao Zedong.
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