早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.I don't know where I should go.(改为同义句)
I don't know __ __ __.
2.What's your favourite colour?(改为同义句)
What colour do you __ __?
3.My parents will buy me a birthday cake on my birthday.(改为被动句)
A birthday cake will __ __ __me on my birthday.
4.The music sounds beautiful.(改为否定句)
The music __ __ beautiful.
5.We often traval _by_car_ .(就画线部分提问)
__ __ __ travel?
6."What's the girl's name?" He asked me.(合为一句,句意不变)
He asked me __ the girl's name __.
7.I work hard to catch up with my classmates.(改为同义句)
I work hard __ __ I can catch up with my classmates.
8.They could hardly hear what you said,__ __?(完成反义疑问句)
1.I don't know where I should go.(改为同义句)
I don't know __ __ __.
where to go
2.What's your favourite colour?(改为同义句)
What colour do you __ __?
like best
3.My parents will buy me a birthday cake on my birthday.(改为被动句)
A birthday cake will __ __ __me on my birthday.
be bought for
4.The music sounds beautiful.(改为否定句)
The music __ __ beautiful.
doesn't sound
5.We often traval _by_car_ .(就画线部分提问)
__ __ __ travel?
How do you
6."What's the girl's name?" He asked me.(合为一句,句意不变)
He asked me __ the girl's name __.
what was
7.I work hard to catch up with my classmates.(改为同义句)
I work hard __ __ I can catch up with my classmates.
so that
8.They could hardly hear what you said,__ __?(完成反义疑问句)
could they?
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