早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


Today is Sunday.It is sunny.I don't go to school.I want go shopping.I get up at 6:30 in the morning.I have some cereal and an egg for breakfast.I go out at 8:00.The shop is near .I go there on foot.Many people are in the shop.I buy a pencil .At 12:00 I go home for lunch.I have some vegetable and meat for lunch.I read a book in the afternoon.I eat some noodles and fruit for supper.After supper,I do my homework.then I watch TV.Later,I play on the computer.I lie on my bed.I listen to the radio.I have a happy day.
Today,I am busy busy,as yesterday morning to go to school essay 10:30-11:30; 4:00-6:00 pm to go to learn English.Today,I have put into the tense of "work" in because I am 8:30-11:30 sketch but also to learn it!
To the art schools,teachers come to the position I am,I took a painting again,let me follow copying,the upper right corner of pictures painted with a bottle,a little further left is an apple,a little further below It is a jar,a jar next to Apple......This is a piece of cake for me.HB pencil I would like to trace the shape,then painted and clear that it will complete the outline.I have changed only 2B pencil and started on the most basic colors.I draw back again,and then a rub eraser,then the master of light.I also increased the use of 4B pencil color,we will proceed to general adjustment.Adjustment finished,I seized
Checked again to determine the background after the beginning of James.I painted painted,from a teacher,she told me the painting was revised.I am painting every time a good-looking.Teacher to help me hook some important background and framework of the outline,let me be done with a two-tone coloring.I drew attention to did not noticed that my eraser out,and when I used the eraser,it was found that it is "lying," legs In the chair.I bend over pick up,but in front of a painting to knock down .Is also a wave of outcry you!I hastened to help them,but also how legislation is not drawn up.I am confused by the scene found a teacher,she quickly came to help me a favor,not only free one.
I finally finished the painting.Score,where the teacher,the teacher told me the painting and made changes to check me again.I had to return dejected to the classroom.After the inspection,I think we can know,I once again to the teachers there
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