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Your Australian friend Jim has been in Beijing for quite a few days. He is leaving tomorrow. You have bought him a gift which is typical of Chinese culture. Now please tell him why you have chosen this gift and what special cultural meaning it has.

Hi Jim here’s a gift for you.                                      .


Your Australian friend Jim has been in Beijing for quite a few days. He is leaving tomorrow. You have bought him a gift which is typical of Chinese culture. Now please tell him why you have chosen this gift and what special cultural meaning it has.

Hi Jim here’s a gift for you.                                      .


Your Australian friend Jim has been in Beijing for quite a few days. He is leaving tomorrow. You have bought him a gift which is typical of Chinese culture. Now please tell him why you have chosen this gift and what special cultural meaning it has.

Hi Jim here’s a gift for you.                                      .

Hi Jim here is a gift for you .It is a folding fan or “shanzi” in Chinese . The most interesting thing about a fan is that its name “shanzi” is a pun word . It shares the same pronunciation as the Chinese character “shan” though in fact they are two different characters . In Chinee the character “shan” means “kindness” one of the virtues valued in Chinese culture . Perhaps it is for this simple reason that over hundreds of years “shanzi”has been used as ideal gifts to friends or as decorations for rooms . Besides poesm calligraphy or paintings on fans make them more meaningful . The fan symbolizes the fine and special craftsmanship of the traditional Chinese culture . You have seen a lot of China these days so I hope this fan will give you another insight into the Chinese culture and tradition .
Hi Jim here is a gift for you .It is a folding fan or “shanzi” in Chinese . The most interesting thing about a fan is that its name “shanzi” is a pun word . It shares the same pronunciation as the Chinese character “shan” though in fact they are two different characters . In Chinee the character “shan” means “kindness” one of the virtues valued in Chinese culture . Perhaps it is for this simple reason that over hundreds of years “shanzi”has been used as ideal gifts to friends or as decorations for rooms . Besides poesm calligraphy or paintings on fans make them more meaningful . The fan symbolizes the fine and special craftsmanship of the traditional Chinese culture . You have seen a lot of China these days so I hope this fan will give you another insight into the Chinese culture and tradition .
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