Your Australian friend Jim has been in Beijing for quite a few days. He is leaving tomorrow. You have bought him a gift which is typical of Chinese culture. Now please tell him why you have chosen this gift and what special cultural meaning it has.
Hi Jim here’s a gift for you. .
Your Australian friend Jim has been in Beijing for quite a few days. He is leaving tomorrow. You have bought him a gift which is typical of Chinese culture. Now please tell him why you have chosen this gift and what special cultural meaning it has.
Hi Jim here’s a gift for you. .
Your Australian friend Jim has been in Beijing for quite a few days. He is leaving tomorrow. You have bought him a gift which is typical of Chinese culture. Now please tell him why you have chosen this gift and what special cultural meaning it has.
Hi Jim here’s a gift for you. .
蚂蚁和玻璃杯一文中请用一句话说说两只蚂蚁的性格特点,留在杯中的蚂蚁:爬出杯子的蚂蚁: 2020-04-07 …
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作文:唐朝名臣魏征云:“以铜为镜,可以正衣冠;以史为镜,可以知兴亡;以人为镜,可以明得失。”学了《 2020-07-28 …
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