We must make our products more competitive when competing _________ foreign companies for a share of the inter nationalmarket.
A . in B . on C . with D . for
We must make our products more competitive when competing _________ foreign companies for a share of the inter nationalmarket.
A . in B . on C . with D . for
We must make our products more competitive when competing _________ foreign companies for a share of the inter nationalmarket.
We must make our products more competitive when competing _________ foreign companies for a share of the inter nationalmarket.A . in B . on C . with D . for
A . in B . on C . with D . for . in B . on C . with D . for in B . on C . with D . for . on C . with D . for on C . with D . for . with D . for with D . for . for for
C给多音字组词。剥bō()bāo()教jiāo()jiào()为wéi()wèi() 2020-05-13 …
下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是()A.龃龉(wú)椽(yuàn)笔济(jǐ)济一堂B.悲 2020-05-13 …
A.蓊郁(wěng)纨绔(wán)崔嵬(wěi)推诿(wěi)B.不韪(wěi)犀利(xī)跣足( 2020-06-29 …
下列划线字的读音正确的一项是[]A.嫩芽(nèn)调皮(diào)B.霎时(sà)依偎(wèi)C 2020-07-15 …
A.绯红(fěi)B.瞥见(piē)C.诘责(jié)D.驿站(yì)不逊(xùn)粗糙(zāo) 2020-07-16 …
下列各项中字音不正确的一项是:()A.形骸(hé)核(hé)计应该(gāi)B.桃核(hé)跳跃(y 2020-11-07 …
下列各组词语加点字的读音,完全正确的一组是()A.谩骂(màn)纨扇(wán)捂盖子(wǔ)悬崖勒马 2020-11-14 …
下列各项中字音不正确的一项是:()A.捅(tǒng)娄子熨(wèi)平太尉(wèi)B.慰(wèi) 2020-12-02 …
英语向高人求教!写几句话.每句开头的第一个字母分别是“L,i,U,F,E,i,F,E,i,w,o,a 2020-12-15 …
A.真谛(dì)疟疾(yuè)狭隘(ài)骇人听闻(hài)B.剖开(pōu)纤维(xiān)峰巅( 2021-01-17 …