早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.How are you feeling now?
I am feeling____.
A.happily B.better C.very tired D.easily
2.Let's____go to see a film.
Sorry,I have got _____ time.
A.go/not B.going/no C.go/no D.going/not
3.Be quiet please._____the teacher.
A.Listen B.Listening to C.Listen to D.Listening
4.Mr.Black arrived____the hotel yesterday morning.
A.in B.at C.on D.for
5.Let me____you.
A.introduce Mr.Bush for
B.to introduce Mr.Bush to
C.introduce Mr.Bush to
D.introducing Mr.Bush to
6.How about your work?
A.I was nearly finished it
B.I have nearly finished it
C.I have near finished it
D.I have finished nearly it
7.It's a_____thing.
Yes,I think________.
A.pleasant/that B.pleasant/so C.pleased/it D.pleaset/so
1.How are you feeling now?
I am feeling____.
A.happily B.better C.very tired D.easily
2.Let's____go to see a film.
Sorry,I have got _____ time.
A.go/not B.going/no C.go/no D.going/not
3.Be quiet please._____the teacher.
A.Listen B.Listening to C.Listen to D.Listening
4.Mr.Black arrived____the hotel yesterday morning.
A.in B.at C.on D.for
5.Let me____you.
A.introduce Mr.Bush for
B.to introduce Mr.Bush to
C.introduce Mr.Bush to
D.introducing Mr.Bush to
6.How about your work?
A.I was nearly finished it
B.I have nearly finished it
C.I have near finished it
D.I have finished nearly it
7.It's a_____thing.
Yes,I think________.
A.pleasant/that B.pleasant/so C.pleased/it D.pleaset/so
1.How are you feeling now?
I am feeling__B__.
A.happily B.better C.very tired D.easily
2.Let's____go to see a film.
Sorry,I have got _____ time.
A.go/not B.going/no C.go/no D.going/not
3.Be quiet please.___C__the teacher.
A.Listen B.Listening to C.Listen to D.Listening
4.Mr.Black arrived__B__the hotel yesterday morning.
A.in B.at C.on D.for
5.Let me__C__you.
A.introduce Mr.Bush for
B.to introduce Mr.Bush to
C.introduce Mr.Bush to
D.introducing Mr.Bush to
6.How about your work?
A.I was nearly finished it
B.I have nearly finished it
C.I have near finished it
D.I have finished nearly it
7.It's a___B__thing.
Yes,I think________.
A.pleasant/that B.pleasant/so C.pleased/it D.pleaset/so
I am feeling__B__.
A.happily B.better C.very tired D.easily
2.Let's____go to see a film.
Sorry,I have got _____ time.
A.go/not B.going/no C.go/no D.going/not
3.Be quiet please.___C__the teacher.
A.Listen B.Listening to C.Listen to D.Listening
4.Mr.Black arrived__B__the hotel yesterday morning.
A.in B.at C.on D.for
5.Let me__C__you.
A.introduce Mr.Bush for
B.to introduce Mr.Bush to
C.introduce Mr.Bush to
D.introducing Mr.Bush to
6.How about your work?
A.I was nearly finished it
B.I have nearly finished it
C.I have near finished it
D.I have finished nearly it
7.It's a___B__thing.
Yes,I think________.
A.pleasant/that B.pleasant/so C.pleased/it D.pleaset/so
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