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Study Together or Indipendently
Which is the better way? It's hard to tell immediately. Let's list some major advantages and disadvantages for both of them and then get a final answer.
1. Study togegher makes people exchange ideas each other and provide more alternative answers; by discussing, less time will spend and some difficult questions may work out very soon.
2. Study independently will develop the individual's abilities to face and solve the problems without help from others, enable him or she becomes good at thinking, promote one's self study skills.
1. For young people, if without good control and supervision, study togegher may result in a copy action and develop a lazy habit, it abviously is not good to train people's independence.
2. Study alone, on the contrary, will make people learn less about coorperation spirit and sometimes may spend a long time to solve one question and finaly no result comes.
By the points given above, I would say, you cann't judge both of the two ways to study is good or bad. Only when you use them poperly can help you study well and efficiently.
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