早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
第一大题:2.5.6 T
1.F because after the 17th century,more people began to speak English as a result of England conquering other parts of the world.
3.F.because languages don't change often but only when peoples come into close contact.
4.F.because the government has to use the language of the country that rules it.
By the 1600s:Shakespeare used a wider vocabulary than ever before.
1620:Britih settlers moved to America in the "Mayflower"
From the 18th century:British colonized Australia.
1765-1947:English spoken in India.
By 19th century:Dictionaries standarlized the spelling of English.
For question 1
to use computers and the internet,to trade,to learn in Western universities,to read academic journals,etc.
For question 2.
as a result of China's growing economic power,as a result of China's growing influence in the UN,to trade with China,to move some branches of Western companies into China.
1.F because after the 17th century,more people began to speak English as a result of England conquering other parts of the world.
3.F.because languages don't change often but only when peoples come into close contact.
4.F.because the government has to use the language of the country that rules it.
By the 1600s:Shakespeare used a wider vocabulary than ever before.
1620:Britih settlers moved to America in the "Mayflower"
From the 18th century:British colonized Australia.
1765-1947:English spoken in India.
By 19th century:Dictionaries standarlized the spelling of English.
For question 1
to use computers and the internet,to trade,to learn in Western universities,to read academic journals,etc.
For question 2.
as a result of China's growing economic power,as a result of China's growing influence in the UN,to trade with China,to move some branches of Western companies into China.
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