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There were snow on the ground at that time.Benjamin Franklin placed two large pieces of cloth under the snow.One piece of cloth was black in colour and the other was white.Then he waited for until the sun began to shine.After a few hours he looked under the piece of cloth and found that the snow lay under the black cloth melted much faster than one under the white cloth.All this proved to him that the black cloth hold heat better than the white cloth.This is what people often wear white clothing during the summertime.
There (were)was snow on the ground at that time.Benjamin Franklin placed two large pieces of cloth (under)on the snow.One piece of cloth was black in colour and the other was white.Then he waited for (until) the sun began to shine.After a few hours he looked (under)at the (piece)pieces of cloth and found that the snow ()that lay under the black cloth melted much faster than ()the one under the white cloth.All this proved to him that the black cloth (hold)held heat better than the white cloth.This is (what)why people often wear white clothing during the summertime.
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