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1977年高考 作文

1977 at the end of the year, I received the notification, va immediately return to Beijing, frantic, haidian district in Beijing after FuZhuan military office, connected to the relationship between the "found me immediately with the children", hair FuYuanFei please them in the "old mo" malicious pinch, however, meal is not so much I please them, than I want suggestion. The wine lead three cruise, just my personal future, everyone began to pop up. Among them some people still in uniform, for I am determined leave the army said that I don't understand, "in the army," big. The opportunity to carry work Someone suggested I immediately to the action, the relationship FuZhuan military office dredge, must into a good unit. Others simply said, he is responsible for give me first find a "PoZi" (girlfriend), for relaxation. Obviously, they didn't guess my worries. At that time, the army of the children of compound "to restore the university entrance exam" by not sensitive, especially military cadres during the cultural revolution, children, mostly into the decade "red safe", the army leave, to avoid the "mountainous areas", this is when many young dream "ideal way", but military cadres ShouDaoQinLai "sons" for their future, so no too many ideas. Just before I volunteered to rehabilitate, army courtyard still blowing a stream of collective "to enter through the back door" joined the army "cyclone". Many are in high school children, even top junior high school children, by parents send overnight into the army. Reportedly, times "to enter through the back door" caused the social public discontent, many people write to when the reigning "wise leader" hua chairman, against royal shape. Actually, right now China has, on the eve of the great changes that "to enter through the back door" parents still stays in the cultural revolution of the thinking inertia, give oneself are reading children to "delay" truth.

I personally to after the downfall of the gang of four Chinese future may not have what "vision", but I've heard from broadcasting from 1977 began to recover the university admissions exam endless palpitates when the news, know that this is the "central policy" experienced a major adjustment, I completely organic meeting university. Self 1973 pass the exam was a selection of high school, college eager to become I lingering "spell". I keep parents and beat application retired report. However, visited the college entrance examination I have to attend, back to Beijing, and immediately into the 1978 among college entrance examination reviews. Composition nets arriving

How to conduct the university entrance exam review, I now memory has blurred the university entrance exam, but in 1978 in my eyes and before the few things impressed me extremely impressive. Small lotus composition nets

First is the university entrance exam for registration. In 1978, cultural revolution has ended two years of the cultural revolution, but YuDu far secured, the university entrance exam application still need to "politics careful", want to fill in application form on the "family background" and "social relations", then the examinee place unit "audit stamp" can effectively, to be able to receive the report ". This one, don't know how many people were rejected in the university outside. I belong to "root seedlings are", but red also met embarrassing things. I took the haidian district office FuZhuan soldiers agree with me attend the university entrance exam references to get a "education form of haidian district," and then a lot of people are standing in with the courts who hear bureau explains how to fill in the table. This person "righteously said:" fill "family background" column must fill out the "background" originally, also is to fill in what is my grandpa. "Social relations" column, must truthfully fill in "overseas relationship" (at that time, there ain't no good relationship overseas.) And hide or "leak fill", once discovered cancel "test qualifications". Many people are told to disagree, I'm one, special to fill out the "family background", I put forward the objection to him. I say: "my whole life fill is" revolutionary soldier "background, the army also is so, how to you here to change?" He does not answer my question, just emphasize that this is the "regulation" above, and not in "the rules" to do, not to "the university entrance exam" themselves. Arm twist thighs, I had to go home but asked her father were dead grandfather is what "ingredients". Father told me grandpa is "the small handicraftsmen than" small or petty proprietor ", "to low, belongs to" half the proletariat ". Actually, before liberation my grandpa was alive, in sichuan rural hometown keep his a broken workshop, a dry ZhuKuang especially like Ed the craft work, even people was the colony, poor, otherwise, torre won't follow the reds ran. I don't know which regulation, according to the "form" in "family background" column fill in the "the small handicraftsmen". At that time, my heart is extremely rub fire, think of yourself from authentic revolutionary soldier was born into a "the small handicraftsmen" background, gas will not hit one place.

I am in today's "people" (then attached to number is arranged, call XXX school) attend the university entrance exam. The university entrance exam that three days when midsummer, the hot weather. Enter the moment before the exam, the school playground lined the examinee, that is a picture of a strange situation: from the age of only look at the age of seventeen, made fresh high school students, the thirties were made LaoSanJie "high school students." Look from the experience, some candidates or neotenous window, and some people have children face "vicissitudes of life" to act, in the villages and factories, with considerable experience. Look from relations, those seventeen-and eighteen-year-old graduating high school beat each other, loses his head, their friendship appear so pure. While those aged 30 or so most of the candidates stood alone. I clearly remember, there are a couple tightly stood together, the man only bought a bottle of soda, insist on handed to the female of, oneself drink "military kettle" in whitewater. Then, this "couples" examinee is not rare. However, all examinee's eyes with a kind of longing for a pass the college entrance examination change our own destiny.

I remember where I am a funny thing happened to appear examination room. The first day of college entrance examination in the afternoon, test came to an end, a girl sitting behind me suddenly cried out in horror up, the field give me a scare. She cried incoherence; "I lost my watch, watch is lost!" Then, for young people can watch but "luxury", did not participate in the work, generally is not