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1、The people can't stand ________(增长不止的房屋价格)
2、After you've found what you're interested in and how much time you can spend,it's____to find out where you can volunteer
A event B money C trouble D time
3、For six months,experts have been working on bringing back the (original )look of an ancientbronze horse.括号内的单词是什么意思,注意根据句子回答.
1 the rising price of the house
2 D 根据after判断这是一个时间顺序的词,译为:在明确了你感兴趣的方面以及你可以花在上面的时间之后,就是去寻找你当志愿者的地点的时候了.
3 original look 原始 面貌.专家们花了六个月的时间,去还原这个古代青铜马的原貌.