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每个两个人 每个情景长度4分钟。一定要认认真真写一下。不要随意的转载。
campus life
A:Hey,andy.how have you been recently?it seems that you have been missing for a while
B:well,yeah,i got a girl-friend.and we moved out of campus.
A:WOW,that is really something.
B:yeah,you know what,she is really attractive:smart,sexy,and considerate.i can not find another one any better than her.
A:WOW,this seems to be the second time you are saying the same thing about a different girl...
B:I MEAN it ,alright?
A:we'll see.have you noticed that there will be a basketball match between our school and wuhan university.it will be a really great match,i think.ever want to go?
B:SURE.tell me the time and we can go together.
A:yeah,sure.i will inform you then.
B:BY the way,how is your exam?
A:I never worry about exams.you know,there is always someone smarter than me and why not borrow his brain..you know what i mean?
B:sure,but be careful not to be caught.
A:thanks,i will.why isn't jack with you?
B:you know,since i have moved out,we don't see each other often and he is always busy studying,so quite different time schedules.i heard that he was doing great nowadays.
A:good for you both.what will do for the weekends?
B:nothing much,i might be cooking with my girl and drink a little.how about you?
A:don't know yet.maybe i will call some friends to go to the gym.it's been a long time since i went there.i should pay more attention to my muscle.so that girls will like me and i can get my girl.
B:THAT's right.though many girls say that they don't like men with too much muscle,they do want to feel safe.
A:HAHA.i guess we will be seeing before the basketball match.
B:Alright.i'll see you then,
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