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求一篇英语作文 太空探索的利与弊要原创 有两篇不用了 用得太多
The advantages and disadvantages of space exploration .
Human beings have worked with the space for decades .From the observation of stars in the sky of ancient people to the first satellite launched into space .From the first spaceship flying into the far space to the first people landed onto the moon .Human beings have done so much with the space .
Why ,you may wonder ,should we did this what advantages did we take of space exploring
For example ,It is because space exploring that I can listen a radio sitting in my room ,I can watch TV at home to get information effectively .I can use a computer in my home to learn things easily without even using a wire,because I'm using a wireless network card .And we have learnt more about the space ,we may find some other energy or resources of the out space .All these are the benifits .
But there are also risks .
First ,the space may be polluted by human beings ,for we have sent so many satellites into the space in the course of exploring .
Then,there may be another horrific truth that we may be found by aliens because of the satellites sent to the far space .This is undoubtedly a disaster for us ,human beings .
As far as human concerns ,we have to endeavour to develop technology to improve our life quality and to protect ourselves from disaters in the future .So althouth there are risks ,we have to go ahead ,we have to explore the space .
不知道你要多少字的,本来打算写个150字的,不小心写了250.希望有用 .是本人原创作品.如果有错误的地方,就改改吧.
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