早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.中国的第二大海岛,气候温暖,空气新鲜(fresf),有海滩,高大的椰子树(coconut palm tree);
2.可以进行许多水上运动(如:冲浪surfing,潜水scuba diving等);
I have just come back from Hainan.Hainan Island(接着前面写)
第二篇:Make up a dialogue about your entertainment with your partners.Then act it out in class.
I have just come back from Hainan.Hainan Island is the second island in China.The climate is warm and the air is fresh.There are lots of beaches and tall coconut palm trees.People can do lots of water sports,such as surfing and scuba diving.People can taste all kinds of sea food,such as crabs and lobsters.It is really a beautiful Island.
2.A:What do you like doing when you are free?
B:I like surfing the internet because I need to download informations and listen to the music and so on.How about you?
A:I like swimming in summer.It is really cool and make me happy when I swim in the sea and in the swimming pool.How often do you surf the internet?
B:Almost every day in the evening.I often surf the internet for about an hour after I finish doing my homework.How about you?
A:I often go swimming with my parents on weekends.Do you like swimming?
B:Yes,I do.But I don't swim very well.
A:It doesn't matter.I can teach you how to swim if you go swimming with me this weeekend.
B:Good idea.Thanks.
看了 求两篇英语作文!急用!第一篇...的网友还看了以下:

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