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假如你是李明,今天游览了世界自然奇观之一——黄山.黄山位于安徽省的南部,每年都能吸引以百万计的游客来游览.清晨,你乘小车到达黄山,那时正在下雨.你一下车就开始登山.大约半个小时后,云开始散开,雨停了,太阳也出来了.在登山过程中,你领略了黄山的云海、奇松(wondrous pines)、怪石(unique rocks)等秀丽的风景.

It is located in southern Anhui Province.Every year,there are hundreds of visitors go to visit the Yellow Mountain.Last Sunday,I drove to the Yellow Mountain.It was raining,but I started climbing once I got there.After half an hour,the rained stopped and the sun came out.I saw the sea of clouds,wondrous and unique rocks.The view was very beautiful.

The Yellow Mountain is in the southern part of Anhui Province.Hundreds of visitors go to visit the Yellow Mountain every year.I drove to visit the Yellow Mountain last week.Once I arrived,I started climbing even if it was raining.The rain stopped after about half an hour.The cloud went away and sun came out.I saw a lot of beautiful views including the sea of clouds,wondrous and unique rocks.