早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




5/7 Monday

I’m busy this week. The following Sunday is Mother’s Day and there are many activities at school. One of them is PTA Day. It’s on Friday. Mum and Dad are both coming. I’m a little nervous (紧张的). What will Mr. Chang tell them?

5/8 Tuesday

Mr. Wu is our new music teacher. He teaches us Mother a beautiful song about our love for mothers.

5/9 Wednesday

We practice Mother today. This is the special present for our parents on Friday.

5/10 Thursday

It takes us two hours to decorate(装饰) our classroom for PTA Day. I’m tired. Mum is nervous. It’s the first time for her to meet our teachers. She is always nervous about talking to teachers from her childhood(童年). That’s funny.

1.What is PTA Day?

A. A day for students to have music classes.

B. A day for parents to meet their children’s teachers at school.

C. A day for teachers to get presents from their students.

D. A day for students to decorate their classrooms.

2.What’s the date of Mother’s Day?

A.May 14th B. May 13th

C. June 11th D. June 12th

3.What is the special present for our parents on Friday?

A. A beautiful song about our love for mothers.

B. To decorate our classroom.

C. To meet our teachers.

D. To dance.

4.What will Allen and his classmates do on Friday?

A. They will decorate their classroom.

B. They will buy presents for their parents.

C. They will sing to thank their parents.

D. They will welcome a new music teacher.

5.Why does Allen’s mother feel nervous?

A. Allen does not do well at school.

B. She is afraid of talking to teachers.

C. Allen’s f ather is going to school too.

D. She has to sing a song in front of the class.







分 析:

1.小题1】细节理解题。根据One of them is PTA Day. It’s on Friday. Mum and Dad are both coming. 可知是学生家长还学校会见孩子的老师的时间,故选B。

2.小题2】细节理解题。根据The following Sunday is Mother’s Day 因为写日记的日期是5月7日星期一,所以下一个星期天应该是5月13日,故选B。

3.小题3】细节理解题。根据We practice Mother today. This is the special present for our parents on Friday.


4.小题4】细节理解题。根据This is the special present for our parents on Friday. 可知他们要给他们的父母唱一首歌,来感谢他们的父母,故选C。

5.小题5】细节理解题。根据She is always nervous about talking to teachers from her childhood 可知妈妈和老师交谈很紧张,故选B。


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