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一定要中英文结合 、切记要经典滴
一定要中英文结合 、切记要经典滴
To be a princess,you have to believe that you are a princess.You've got to walk the way you think a princess would walk.So,you gotta think tall you gotta smile and wave,and just have fun要成为一个公主,你必须相信你是一个公主.你必须走的方式,你认为公主会走.所以,你总得想身高你总得微笑和招手,和公正的乐趣For a queen,I was expected to say that you shouldn't have done this.But for a granny,I would rather to say that you did a good job作为一位女皇,我本该说你不该这样做.但作为一个奶奶,我想说,做得好极了 My expectation in life is to be invisible and I am good at it.我只想隐身于人群中,而且这一点我很在行.
I am still waiting for formal body parts to arrive.我正在长身体.
Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment than something else is more important than fear.The brave may not live forever but the cautious did not live at all.From now on ,you will be traveling the road,between who you think you are and who you can be .勇气并不是没有恐惧,而是比别的东西更重要的判断是不是恐惧.勇敢的可能不会永远活着,但谨慎并不住的.从现在起,你将旅行的道路,你认为谁与你是谁你可以.
The promise of tomorrow hung in the air.在空气中鸿明天的希望.
This is not my day.这不是我的一天.
You being a princess is kind of miracle.你是一个公主,是一种奇迹.
Wanting to rock the world but having zip power like me.想岩石世界,而是拥有像我这样的压缩能力.
You are royal by blood.你是皇家的血脉.
It costs to be cool它的成本要冷静
I will do some labor free.我会做一些劳动力自由.
I am still waiting for formal body parts to arrive.我正在长身体.
Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment than something else is more important than fear.The brave may not live forever but the cautious did not live at all.From now on ,you will be traveling the road,between who you think you are and who you can be .勇气并不是没有恐惧,而是比别的东西更重要的判断是不是恐惧.勇敢的可能不会永远活着,但谨慎并不住的.从现在起,你将旅行的道路,你认为谁与你是谁你可以.
The promise of tomorrow hung in the air.在空气中鸿明天的希望.
This is not my day.这不是我的一天.
You being a princess is kind of miracle.你是一个公主,是一种奇迹.
Wanting to rock the world but having zip power like me.想岩石世界,而是拥有像我这样的压缩能力.
You are royal by blood.你是皇家的血脉.
It costs to be cool它的成本要冷静
I will do some labor free.我会做一些劳动力自由.
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