早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
The politician tried to (do) (make) a speech in the park (so) (but) no one (listened to) (heard) him.The audience shouted (and) (or) threw things (so) (but) the speaker got into his car and (drove) (ran) away.
The politician tried to (do) (make) a speech in the park (so) (but) no one (listened to) (heard) him.The audience shouted (and) (or) threw things (so) (but) the speaker got into his car and (drove) (ran) away.
tried to make a speech 做演讲
but no one listened to him 但是没人听他的 (but 表转折,listen to 表没人在乎,而不是声音小,听不见)
shouted and threw things ,观众嚷嚷着,还仍东西,所以用并列连词and
so the speaker got into his car and drove away 所以,演讲者就钻进汽车,一溜烟的开走了
所以,用so,因为是开汽车逃走,所以是drive away
but no one listened to him 但是没人听他的 (but 表转折,listen to 表没人在乎,而不是声音小,听不见)
shouted and threw things ,观众嚷嚷着,还仍东西,所以用并列连词and
so the speaker got into his car and drove away 所以,演讲者就钻进汽车,一溜烟的开走了
所以,用so,因为是开汽车逃走,所以是drive away
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