早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Please kindly find the eight attachments is the resume that I choose.Number 2 and 3 can use English to communicate; the others have a good experience for factory.Please check I put some simple information as below.
Please tell me as soon as possible if you feel someone is suitable,I will arrange the interview for you immediately,thanks.
Please kindly find the eight attachments is the resume that I choose.Number 2 and 3 can use English to communicate; the others have a good experience for factory.Please check I put some simple information as below.
Please tell me as soon as possible if you feel someone is suitable,I will arrange the interview for you immediately,thanks.
Please kindly find the eight attachments is the resume that I choose.
改:Attached please find eight resumes which I chose for your review.
Number 2 and 3 can use English to communicate; the others have a good experience for factory.
改:Candidate 2 and 3 can communicate in English; the others have good factory experience.
Please check I put some simple information as below.
改:Please check below for the general information I put together.
Please tell me as soon as possible if you feel someone is suitable, I will arrange the interview for you immediately, thanks.
改:Please let me know as soon as possible if you think someone is suitable for the job. I will arrange an interview for the person with you immediately. Thanks.
改:Attached please find eight resumes which I chose for your review.
Number 2 and 3 can use English to communicate; the others have a good experience for factory.
改:Candidate 2 and 3 can communicate in English; the others have good factory experience.
Please check I put some simple information as below.
改:Please check below for the general information I put together.
Please tell me as soon as possible if you feel someone is suitable, I will arrange the interview for you immediately, thanks.
改:Please let me know as soon as possible if you think someone is suitable for the job. I will arrange an interview for the person with you immediately. Thanks.
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