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求 关于《星期天》 一天趣事的 英文作文 江湖救急,
有趣的一天(An interesting day)
For some reasons,I never get up before nine o'clock on Saturdays.Sometimes I stay in bed until lunch time.Then I'll do some exercises,read English,play computer games.In the afternoon,I go to school for writing and playing table tennis.I play table tennis well.In the evening,I go to the teacher's home to play Chinese chess,I like it.
What an interesting day!
有趣的一天(An Interesting Day)
It was a sunny Monday.I went out to play with my friend --- Jane.I like to play with her,because she is a strong girl.We rode bikes to a garden.This was a big and beautiful garden.In the garden,these were some roses and some lilies.Children like to play in this garden.We did a lot of things there.Sometimes we sat on the grass side by side,closing the eyes and quietly and hearing the bird sing songs.Soon we rode the bikes quickly.Suddenly Jane stopped.“What’s the matter?” I asked her,” My bike is broken” she said,“Oh,it’s too bad!” I said,“Don’t worry.” She said.She folded her bike,and put it on my bike,“ Let’s go to mend my bike!” We went to a shop to mend it.Then her bike was Ok.We became very happy again.
This is an interesting day.We had a good time together!
有趣的一天(A Funny Day)
It’ 7:05.It’s time to go to Lu Gu Foreign Language Primary School.It’s9:30.It’stime go to the beautiful playground and play basketball.It’s 11:50.It’s time go to canteen and eat some beef.
Oh!What a funny Day!
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