早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Jack:Oh,Tom,Nice to meet you!
Tom:Nice to meet you,too.This is my sister,Lily.
Jack:Oh,hello!I'm afraid we have seen each other before,do you remember me?
Lily:Hr,I'm afraid I forget it.I'm sorry,but when was that happened?
Jack:About a summer six years ago.We both studyed in a piano trainning.I remember you played piano very well.
Lily:Oh,I think about it.You are that hummor brother.Glad to see you again.
Tom:So you two knew each other before.It's so good.
Jack:I really don't know that you two are sister and brother.
Lily:So let's celebrate that we meet again.
Jack:Good idea.
Tom:Ok,let's go.
Jack:Oh,Tom,Nice to meet you!
Tom:Nice to meet you,too.This is my sister,Lily.
Jack:Oh,hello!I'm afraid we have seen each other before,do you remember me?
Lily:Hr,I'm afraid I forget it.I'm sorry,but when was that happened?
Jack:About a summer six years ago.We both studyed in a piano trainning.I remember you played piano very well.
Lily:Oh,I think about it.You are that hummor brother.Glad to see you again.
Tom:So you two knew each other before.It's so good.
Jack:I really don't know that you two are sister and brother.
Lily:So let's celebrate that we meet again.
Jack:Good idea.
Tom:Ok,let's go.
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