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Mr.President,Dear Colleagues:
No matter which decision you make today,it will be recorded in history.However one decision will certainly serve to make history.With your decision here today,you can move the world and China toward an embrace of friendship through sport that will benefit all mankind.
Almost 50 years ago,I took part in the Olympic Games for the first time; it was in Helsinki.Since then,I have become deeply attached to the Olympic spirit.And me,like so many of my countrymen,I am convinced that the Olympic values are universal and the Olympic flame lights up the way of progress for all humanity.
It has been a dream of mine throughout my career to find a way to bring the Olympic Games to China.I,too,want my countrymen and women to experience the eternal beauty of the Olympic dream in our homeland.
By voting for Beijing,you will bring the Games for the first time in the history of Olympism to a country with one fifth of the world's population and give to this billion people the opportunity to serve the Olympic Movement with creativity and devotion.
Dear colleagues,the message you send today may signal the beginning of a new era of global unity.
If you honor Beijing with the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games,I can assure you,my dear colleagues,that,in seven years from now,Beijing will make you proud of the decision you make here today.
Thank you.
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