早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
英语半命题演讲稿〈I am good at…〉
Good morning/afternoon,everyone. I'm honored to have a speech here. My topic is: I am good at basketball. Basketball is something that gets in the blood. I'd like to play basketball with my friends everyday. It makes me energetic and confident. What's more, I can learn a lot from playing basketball,such as team-work, reaction capacity,sense of judgement and so on. As a fan of Kobe, I will persist in this a fascinating movement. That's all, thank you!
Good morning/afternoon,everyone. I'm honored to have a speech here. My topic is: I am good at basketball. Basketball is something that gets in the blood. I'd like to play basketball with my friends everyday. It makes me energetic and confident. What's more, I can learn a lot from playing basketball,such as team-work, reaction capacity,sense of judgement and so on. As a fan of Kobe, I will persist in this a fascinating movement. That's all, thank you!
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