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英语课前演讲稿,主题是“My favorite city in the world“
课前演讲,需要一篇英语演讲稿,主题是“My favorite city in the world”,最好是韩国首尔,其他的也行,主要讲一讲那个城市的好处,长度大概一页多稿纸就可以,谢了!
朝气蓬勃的人群、繁 华喧闹的城市、迷人的自然景观、悠久的历史文化,这就是首尔。
My favorite city in the world
My favorite city in the world is Seoul,the capital of the Republic of Korea.
Seoul is both an ancient city and a modern metropolis.It has served as the capital of ancient kingdoms on the Korean Peninsula for many generations,and today the magnificent ancient imperial palace still erects in the city center.Meanwhile,with a population of over 10 million,the city is also highly modernized,with a high concentration of skyscrapers in the downtown area.
People in Seoul are vigorous,hard-working and also friendly to foreigners.During my visit to the city,almost everyone I met in the streets would say hello to me with a smile.The city has very convenient public transportation,and I could reach almost every destination by simply taking the subway.
I was also deeply impressed by the natural beauty of Seoul.The Han River flows across the city,just like a jade belt on a royal garment.Amid the highrises there are also many traditional Korean-style architecture dating back to the ancient times,adding a cultural and historical touch to the city's beauty.
I strongly recommend you to pay a visit to Seoul and experience its beauty,vitality and hospitality by yourself.
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