早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
求一篇关于tomorrow is another day 的英语演讲稿
Tomorrow is Another Day
Tomorrow is just
,it's not different from the previous one,and never will be.Many people looks on the calendar and tell themselves:"Tomorrow is the unpredictable,my own power is feeble compared to the prophets of Time." And my argument here is that tomorrow is not the unpredictable,and in fact,every action we take now would be written as tomorrow's history.And since History is the forewords of the Future,so we are acting out every phase of tomorrow's play.And have faith in tomorrow,because tomorrow never dies.
Tomorrow is just
,it's not different from the previous one,and never will be.Many people looks on the calendar and tell themselves:"Tomorrow is the unpredictable,my own power is feeble compared to the prophets of Time." And my argument here is that tomorrow is not the unpredictable,and in fact,every action we take now would be written as tomorrow's history.And since History is the forewords of the Future,so we are acting out every phase of tomorrow's play.And have faith in tomorrow,because tomorrow never dies.
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