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In the last fifty years, film has become not only a serious art form but a field of study by itself. Continuous advancement in film technology and high level of conceptualization of the film take viewer to the world outside his day-to-day world providing entertainment, which has made cinema a popular medium of masses.
I will approach the influence of films from 2 perspectives: its pros and its cons.
Firstly, its pros.
Though there is no data available on the systematic use of the documentary and the feature film in social education programmes in many countries, but experiences in Canada, USA, and USSR indicate that documentaries and films have contributed to bringing about a better social order and in building up a national community having common thinking about the nation.
Also, many foreign films are being shown in theatres as well as on television. Many feel that these films pose a threat to our cultural identity but in reality, these films help people to know the culture, values, and people of the world. As a result, they are able to select their value system with more wisdom and maturity, because cultural openness also contributes to the development of mind.
On top of that, many movies portray historical events. These movies are like history lessons to the audience since they show something we were not able to witness or take part in. Consider war movies such as "The Tuskegee Airmen" and "Memphis Belle". Though not one hundred percent accurate, both depict actual events of historical wars. They are examples of how movies can teach the newer generations about what their distant relatives did for their country.
Another type of informative movies describes the cultures and societies around the world. "City of God is a prime example". These movies show the hardships that people in other countries face in their day-to-day lives. Again, these are just two simple examples of how movies can be learning tools for a mass audience. Of course, the opposite can and often does happen as well. I am referring to the so-called ‘informative’ movies that present skewed information. When people accept the presented information as absolute truth, they form baseless opinions.
However, there are its negative influences as well.
Many movies often incude scenes of violence and horror. Many a times, children viewing the movies will be negatively influenced by such scenes, instilling fear and horror in them at a young age, and this is highly unbeneficial to their future developments. Also, some may argue that there are movies catering to every age group, but looking in retrospect, little children may watch animated movies on their favorite superhero, which does supernatural things, or on some other character they admire, like Mickey Mouse, who does all sorts of things that are not possible in real life. These movies can lead children into thinking that they too can do all these things.
People may argue that these children have a mind that makes them want to do crazy stuff, but there is another perfect example of films having a negative influence, are teenagers. If this age group watches movies about a certain topic, they are greatly influenced by it.
Other young people may watch action movies, and the violence in these movies also has an effect on their minds. It makes them think more about violence and extremism, and may lead them into committing crimes and other acts that can hurt others. These young people may watch their favorite actors do other things that are disliked in society. Their favorite actors and characters may take drugs, like smoking cigarettes in their shows and movies, which negatively influences the young audience and they may begin smoking too, or they may think that it is “cool” or it will raise their social status.
In summary, movies have the capacity to influence society, both locally and globally. Cinema has truly played a major role in changing our society. Patriotic movies make us remember to love our nation.Good comedic movies have treated many patients through laugh therapy. Adventure movies have given us a sense of adventure to explore new possibilities. But the society, its trends, and people’s reactions to those trends influence the movies. In each case, the influence can be positive or negative.
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