早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


(  )1.What's this in English?_____ a jeep.
A.This is B.That's C.It's D.it is
(  )2.Where's the bag?
A.It's in the car.B.They are here.C.There are.D.Here are.
( )3.What's that man?
A.He's my brother.B.Yes,he is.C.She's a teacher.D.He's a teacher.
( )4.It's _____ my new car.
A./ B.a C.is D.isn't
( ) 5.____ a cat.
A.This B.This's  C.This is D.That
(  )6.Look ____ the nice car.
A.to B.and C.at D.in
(  )7.It's nine o'clock.I must ______.
A.go home B.go to home C.to go home D.go the home
( ) 8._____ you see the blackboard?
A.Do B.Are C.Is D.Can
(  )9.Please give ____ a cup of tea.
A.she B.he C.I D.him
(  ) 10.It's time ____ play games.
A.in B.on C.for D.to
(  )11.The man _______ the photo is my father.
A.in B.on the C.in the D.under
(  )12._____ name is Mike.
A.I B.My C.Me D.mine
(  )13.Who is the _____?He is my uncle.
A.boy B.man C.woman D.girl
(  )14._____ you like this jacket?
A.Are B.Do C.Can D.What
(  )15.______ is my umbrella?It's over there.
A.Where B.What C.Whose D.how
(  )16.What's that ____ English?
A.for B.in C.on D.under
(  )17.Look!The cat is _______.
A.walk B.run C.ran D.running
(  ) 18.Whose gloves are they?____ my _____.
 A.It's,mother's B.They're,mother's C.They're,mother D.It's,mother
(  ) 19.The boys are from Tokyo.They are ______.
A.China B.English C.Japanese D.Chinese
(  ) 20.There are _____ on the table.
 A.two bottles of milk B.two bottles milk C.two bottles of milks D.two bottle of milk
(  )21.“Can I help you?”“I'd like ______ bags of rice.”
A.some B.a C.little D.one
(  )22.“What would you like?”“I'd like _____ to eat.”
A.something B.apple C.meat D.some orange
(  )23.Look!Some meat ____ in the box.Some apples _____ in the basket.
A.are,are B.is,is C.are,is D.is,are
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