早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1:The lady wants an( )to put a letter in.
2:Do you have any( )papaer to write a let-ter on?
3:The shop assistant doesn't have any small( )of writing paper.
4:What( )envelopes do you have,large or small?
5:There is a( )of giue on zhe desk.
6:The teacher is writing on zhe blackboard with a picec of( ).
7:Please don't cry. we are( )joking.
8:The lady wants some envelopes,some writing paper,some gule and chalk. she doesn't want an-ything( ).
9:I don't have any mince,but i have( )steak.
10:The grapes the assistant 10 yuan.how much is the( )?
1.envelope 2.other 3.size 4.kinds 5.box 6.chalk
7.playing 8.else 9.much 10.charge