早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


       Mike lives in a small town. He works in the zoo and loves the animals very much. And he has a dog, he
always plays with it, he often saves (节约) money to buy some nice food for it.
       One day a friend of his asks him to dinner. He goes there with his dog. When they are eating, he throws
some meat, fish, chicken and cakes to it. 
       His friend asks, "You love your dog very much, don't you?" "Yes," Mike says. "And it is very clever. If you
give it some money, it can buy some newspapers for you." So his friend gives the dog some money and it goes
out at once.
       An hour later the dog doesn't come back. Mike looks worried and asks, "How much do you give my dog?"
"Ten dollars," answers his friend. "You give it too much," says Mike. "I think it must go to a movie now."
1. Mike often buys some nice food for _______. [     ]
A. the animals
B. his dog
C. his friend
D. himself
2. For dinner Mike throws some ______ to his dog. [     ]
A. food
B. fruit
C. money
D. newspapers
3. The dog is very clever because ______. [     ]
A. it always plays with Mike
B. it knows how to save money
C. it can buy some newspapers for people
D. it can read newspapers
4. The dog doesn't come back because ______. [     ]
A. it is in the zoo
B. it goes to a movie
C. it is lost (失踪,迷路)
D. it buys the newspapers
5. Which of the following is NOT right? [     ]
A. Mike likes the animals very much.
B. The dog can help Mike do something.
C. Mike's friend gives the dog ten dollars.
D. Mike's friend wants to go to a movie.

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