早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.I have been to Macau before.(改为否定句)
I ___ ____ been to Macau before.
2.He hasn’t come to school because he’s ill (就划线部分提问)
____ _____ he come to school?
3.He has learned English for 5 years.(就划线部分提问)
____ ___ ____ ____ learned English
4.I bough a new bike just now.(用just改写)
I ____ just ____ a new bike.
5.We began to learn English three years ago.(改为同义句)
We ____ ____English ____three years
III.填入has / have been 或has / have gone.
1.Harry:I saw you in Annabel's Restaurant last night.
 Diana:No,it wasn't me.I never    there.
2.Sam:Sally and Tim are on holiday,aren't they?Where they
Sue: To Florida,again.
 Sam:How many times they there?
 Sue:This is their third visit.
3.Joe:Can I have an apple,please?
 Mary:We haven't got any.
I   not   to the shops today.
4.Alan:Where's Tony?
 Mary:He's got a headache so he to bed.
5.Steve:Can I speak to Jill,please?
 Lynn:She's out,I'm afraid.
She to the cinema this evening.
She already to the cinema three times this week.
IV.用for 或since填空.
1.Jill has been in Ireland Monday.
2.Jill has been in Ireland three days.
3.My aunt has lived in Australia 15 days.
4.Margaret is in her office.She has been there 7 o'clock.
5.India has been an independent country 1974.
6.The bus is late.We've been waiting 20 minutes.
7.Nobody lives in those houses.
They have been empty many years.
8.Mike has been ill a long time.
He has been in hospital October.
1.have never
2.why hasn't
3.how long has he
4.have ,had
5.have learned ,for
III.填入has / have been 或has / have gone.
1.have been
2.have gone
3.have been
4.have been
5.has gone; has been
IV.用for 或since填空.
8.for ; since
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