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2007年,随着世界上第一部智能手机的问世,苹果公司取得了巨大成功,乔布斯把苹果推向了一个顶峰,然而这一切并没有结束.2010年,苹果发布了世界上第一款平板电脑,此举再一次震惊了世界,乔布斯似乎总能给人们带来惊喜,ipod,iphone,ipad,iMac,iOS,App store ,iTunes,看看这些,哪一个,不是举世震惊的杰作,而这些都是出自于乔布斯之手,这些风靡全球亿万人的电子产品,深刻地改变了现代通讯、娱乐乃至生活的方式..他是在1997年第二次回到苹果的,仅仅十几年的时间,他就把让苹果在2011年成为了世界上最有价值的科技公司,也是在2011年,苹果股价最高的时候,它的股票市值超过了谷歌和微软的总和.
With the advent of a smart phone in the world's first, in 2007, Apple has made a great success, Jobs put Apple into a peak, however, all this does not end. In 2010, Apple released the world's first tablet PC, the move once again shocked the world, Steve Jobs seems to always give people a surprise, ipod, iphone, ipad, iMac, iOS, App store, iTunes, take a look at these which is not that shocked the world masterpieces, and these come from the hands of Steve Jobs, electronic products, these swept hundreds of millions of people around the world and profoundly changed the way of modern communications, entertainment and even life. . He is the second time in 1997 returned to Apple, just ten years, he put Apple in 2011 to become the world's most valuable technology company, also in 2011, Apple's highest price when it the stock market capitalization of more than Google and Microsoft combined.
Life of Steve Jobs is legendary life, he is the founder of Apple, however, he failed in a power struggle, he left Apple in 1985, he founded Pixar animation company, which launched a series everyone familiar Cheung the animated film - "Toy Story", and later it was Disney acquisition Jobs become Disney's largest shareholder. Because of a fortuitous event, he returned to Apple in 1997, and began his journey of the Apple empire.
Steve Jobs is a genius to change the world, With his keen sense of touch and extraordinary wisdom, the courage to change and innovation, leading the trend of the global information technology and electronic products, computer and electronic products have become the simplicity of civilians, so that once expensive and rare electronic products become part of modern life.
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